Continuing my obsession with arrows and triangles, I am longing for some of this jewellery.
Saturday, 27 February 2010
arrow + triangle jewellery
Monday, 22 February 2010
breton stripe hero 4 - margaret howell

I have long been in love with Howell's clean and cool aesthetic. She started designing after finding a vintage man's shirt with a perfect fit, so she took it apart and followed its construction to make a new one. She makes clothes that endure, both in terms of quality and style.
Her s/s 10 collection is nothing new, I suppose, but it is all so simple, beautifully made and practical that I want to wear every last bit of it. Love the straw boater, the tan belts around the waist, the crisp cotton shorts and skirts, the socks'n'sandals faux-pas, the knotted scarf...
I have found my uniform for spring and it will only cost me a small fortune. Oh well.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
awesome embroidery

These geometric embroidered necklaces by spinthread are so, so, so cool. The colours are electric and they remind me of lego or wooden building blocks or (work with me here...) little pieces of mathematics homework drawn in crayon. They are handmade to order from spinthread's etsy shop here.
I love the way Maranon styles her work in her photos, although I think the main selling point is her hair. It is a gorgeousity to behold. As my hair is never going to behave in this wild bohemian manner, I can only hope her necklaces are enough to liven up my t-shirt+jeans=lifestyle.
alice melvin
toast catalogue spring 2010
Maybe it's the feel of the grainy, recycled paper printed with vegetable-based inks. Maybe it's the stunning photography and the wondrous landscapes and locations. Maybe it's the simple, beautifully-detailed clothing and carefully sourced accessories. Man, they know how to get a girl going...
p.s. How cool are those basket weave bangles? They're ARROWS!!
aran cardigans

Friday, 19 February 2010
breton stripe hero 3 - my folk lover
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
a collection of arrows
First up, these handmade arrows by Fredericks and Mae look so pretty - that one above is so elegant. I love that they are committed to creating a very beautiful version of a simple, utility object - like a modern Arts and Crafts.
The photos of the Spartan shop by Michael Muller on Arrow and Arrow are beee-autiful. They have such great stuff, lots of arrow-shaped things and triangles too (second favourite shape of the moment).
And lastly, some extremely cool vintage wooden arrows, as spotted by the lovely Kate Miss on for me, for you.
>>---> Arrow shape, I love you.
welcome home
Saturday, 13 February 2010
breton stripe hero 2 - pablo picasso
And, of course, he has a breton stripe top. Definitely a genius.
folding paper cranes
Vanessa Bruno + Lou Doillon
Vanessa Bruno is one of my favourite designers and, oh, how I love this film. The beautiful clothes, the stop animation, the flour-stomping dance...could it be any better?
You can watch it (in much better quality) on her website.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
little paper planes

Here's a small selection of my favourite prints from the wonderful little paper planes.
I really like the harlequin paper cut-outs and I am inspired to try and make my own collage, using my lovely new scissors from mieke willem's shop.
Sunday, 7 February 2010

By my all-time favourite photographer, Henri Cartier-Bresson.
I'll be posting some knitting patterns and photos of things I like and stuff I'm doing.