I am in need of a pair of sturdy autumn boots - a kind of 'town and country' boot that will withstand a daily trudge through wind and rain to work everyday without making me sweat. I have some Orla Kiely fur-lined wellies, but they are too hot and heavy to wear in town and I can't bring myself to buy another pair of wellingtons (although it would be lace-up Hunters if I did).
I had a pair pictured in my head - firm leather lace-ups, unfussy, a solid heel that can be repaired, ankle height so I can roll my trousers up if it rains (I HATE soggy trouser hems!) and black because it's chic and I always buy brown. I was quite proud of this picture because I'm pretty hopeless at knowing what I want, but this, I was sure, was IT.
Turns out that what I want is a pair of men's boots. Every time I found a pair - 'That's them! Right there, those ones! They're PERFECT!' - it was because I had drifted into the men's department. There are hundreds of great boots out there, exactly as I pictured, but they're just for MEN. Come on world, I know I have big feet, but this is just plain mean.
So the boots gathered above are the fruits of hard labour and they're not even right. I have resigned myself to making a compromise however, because it's that or waking up for the next few months with guaranteed nothing-to-wear syndrome.
Top left: My favourite - Margaret Howell handmade leather boots. I will not be buying these because they are £395.
Top right: The one that got away - Lucille boots by Timberland Boot Co. I will not be buying these because they are from last year and no longer available.
Bottom left: The compromise - Max boot, H by Hudson. I don't want to buy these because the sole is a bit flimsy and I'm not convinced of the quality, but they most closely fit the bill.
Bottom right: The impulse - NW3 Arches boot from Hobbs. Totally not what I'm looking for, SOOO don't care.