Tuesday, 27 January 2015

marimekko cushions

marimekko fabric 2

marimekko fabric 1

marimekko cushions 1

marimekko cushions 2

marimekko cushion & shedA set of two cushions that I made last week. For our new sofa.

The fabric is Marimekko's "Jurmo" by Aino-Maija Metsola. (A Christmas present from my husband, lucky me!) She is my favourite Marimekko designer, I think. I especially love her 'Weather Diary' collection.

I used this tutorial to put the zip in. So many nice greys altogether!

There was still a lot of snow around, so I took a picture outside with the shed. I like the weathered boards and the white roof. Reading 'Heidi' as a girl has left me with an undiminished love of cosy, alpine places. Mmmmmm.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

japanese sewing books

stylish dress book cover

stylish dress book a

stylish dress book j

stylish dress book b

I have recently become a teeny bit obsessed with Japanese sewing books. I haven't sewn anything for a while, but I'm definitely feeling the bug coming on. Especially since I found out that The Great British Sewing Bee is back on next week - yay!

For Christmas, I gave my mum a small package containing tailor's chalk, pattern paper, enough fabric to make two dresses (some black linen twill and some pretty Liberty tana lawn) and a translated copy of Stylish Dress Book: Wear With Freedom.
This is the first Japanese sewing book I've bought. I've wanted to try Japanese patterns for a while now, but I was always intimidated by the diagrams and the language barrier. However, many of these titles are now being translated into English and I am totally IN.

I know it's really my mum's present, but I have bookmarked all these projects from this book for myself. I've promised to help my mum make her two dresses first, so that's given me time (too much?) to check out other titles and pore over fabric choices.

(Inside my head: " Nani Iro? Is gingham too schoolgirl? Floral or abstract Liberty print? What the heck is poplin?")

I will, of course, let you know.

all images from 'Stylish Dress Book: Wear With Freedom' by Yoshiko Tsukiori

Saturday, 17 January 2015

hello again!

It's been almost four years since my last post, but I just wanted to write on this blog again. I don't have the same blog-fever that I started with and I can't tell you how long it will last this time, but I miss having this space to share things, get excited about stuff and have something clean and shiny. (That last one is a bit weird, but that's the only way I can put it.)

I have a lot less time now, so I'm making no promises to myself - but, for now, I'm back.

illustration by marika maijala