clothes from hug o' war

There are many reasons I should not be remotely interested in the French children's label, Bonpoint:
- I am not a child, so their clothes don't fit me;
- The clothes are crazy expensive;
- Even if I did save all my pennies and buy a little piece of adorableness, my niece and nephew would have to spend all their time in a glass box, not ever growing any bigger. And not eating anything by themselves. Every ice-cream stain would probably take a year off my life.
Still, wanting-things-for-no-good-reason is pretty much the motto of this blog and I decided, on seeing this look from Bonpoint's spring line, that I'd try and work on a grown-up version. I was a bit concerned that wearing baby clothes is not a very sophisticated or responsible approach to curating a lady's wardrobe, but I was pretty sure it would look ok. And - ta-da! - Japanese label Hug O' War has proved me right. Sweet, sweet vindication. It looks freakin' cool, right? I just have no idea how to buy it...
(I once heard a radio interview in which the interviewee got the word 'vindicated' confused with 'vindictive':
Q. 'So, after all the knock-backs, your invention has proved a runaway success. Do you feel vindicated?'
A. 'Oh no, not at all. Those people were just doing their job.'
Ever since, I try to confuse them too for comic effect.)
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