Curiosity will be popping-up shop during London's Design Festival (18th - 28th September) and the organisers have collected a wheen of lovely objects from British designers and craftspeople.
I am enamoured with these ceramic goldfinches by Shan Valla, which she sells individually or for £50 a pair (how could you not buy them as a pair? You would have to be heartless!) and I have a condition which means I physically CANNOT walk past a set of notebooks, especially these sets screenprinted with mid-century style graphics by Tamasyn Gambell. I bet they feel really nice when you hold them....
The beautiful bundle of scarves are woven by Mica Hirosawa. Ever since watching the weaving episode of BBC's amazing Mastercrafts series (which I still have on my Sky+ box to keep forever and ever), I am in awe of weavers. Respect.
all images via curiosity
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